Abstract: The term information security is related with the protection of information as well as the systems from unauthorized access and further misuse by disclosure, disruption, modification, inspection, recording or destruction. Information security means protecting sensitive information which is a growing concern for the body whose business mostly depends on information technology and protecting such critical data in various sectors, including the business, healthcare and defense sectors, has become the first priority of information management. The growing use of networking such as extranets and cross-organizational collaboration tools, including customers, suppliers, and business partners—increasingly need access to the required applications and data, Reviews can be collected through social media technologies. Extended networks can help organizations reduce the operational expenses through greater process efficiencies; it also promote cross-organizational innovation; and reduce the need to build costly and time-consuming point-to-point connections. In spite of tremendous benefits to this expansion of the corporate network, the need for strong security has never been more apparent. Any compromise or failing to protect this asset results in huge loss in terms of trust of customers and investors which in fact results to financial disaster. The information systems consist of three major areas communication channel, user interface and information storage; the protection of these three areas means adoption of the information security. Issues such as dynamic sensitive information ownership, group authentication and authorization and privacy protection also create challenges for the protection of information systems Biometrics has made a significant impact in forensics like identification of criminals or authentication of authorized users. In this system the main emphasis is on a pattern recognition that recognizes a person by determining the authenticity of a specific physiological constraint such as face and/or behavioral characteristic possessed by that person like audio or frequency of key stroke entered. Face recognition is highly preferable and acceptable biometrics used by humans in their visual interaction. Cryptography in conjunction with biometrics is the main objective which leads to high level of security for authentication and key retrieval and will model the secure information exchange. The challenges in face recognition system such as aging, facial expressions, variations in the imaging environment, illumination and pose of the face.

Keywords: Information security, multi factor authentication, biometric method, binary mapping, fuzzy vault, polynomial construct.